Monday 31 December 2012

Vika goes wild and how!!!!

Her You Tube username is vkgoeswild. When you watch the first 30 seconds of a video of hers, you'll probably realize that her username is perfect. Then as the video proceeds, you'll realize that "goes wild" is pretty much of an understatement. Yes, she is that good.
Her finesse over the piano is incredible and passionate. Generally, if you watch a lot of pianists play there is this smooth movement about them that catches your eye. Vika, on the other hand, is aggressive and passionate. She is unlike any other pianist I have watched. Her playing is fiery and brings out a certain power (something I would personally relate to a superhero of sorts). She isn't one of your average pianists who would go ahead and just play with typical smooth movements. She is a beast who will sway left, right and center with her fingers creating magic.
When you watch and hear certain musicians play there are quite a few similar qualities you find in almost all of them. But with her it is a totally different ballgame. Her style of playing will pounce on you, very similar to a slick tiger pouncing on you when you are not watching. She has tons and tons of stuff on her You Tube channel and the best part is that she takes requests. She has songs of her own as well as a lot of covers (do check out the Metallica ones).
She has an album of sorts with several classical pieces and she has given them her own Vika touch. It is something worth buying and you can get it on her website.
Here's a video of hers to get you all pumped up (Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses):

Sunday 30 December 2012

Thomas Zwijsen - Iron Maiden on classical

This is one guy who blew me away like a nuclear bomb was planted in my head. Thomas Zwijsen plays Iron Maiden on a nylon-classical guitar. Yes, you read that right. A nylon-classical guitar. I stumbled onto him while I was on an Iron Maiden trip. His guitar playing and arrangements of Iron Maiden songs were stupendous to say the least. At the end of every song I felt the need to stand up and applaud. This man has the ability to transform Iron Maiden's songs into soothing, resplendent and gracious tunes. He is one guy who's pretty much paid justice to Iron Maiden in his own unique way.
Watching him play is quite a treat. He enjoys his playing (which is evident when he smiles), his one finger is enough to devour a guitar and he adds a very different kind of exquisiteness to the usually powerfully-dark Maiden songs.
His album Nylon Maiden is up for grabs on his website. His album has 11 unique arrangements of Iron Maiden songs and I would definitely suggest you to go pick this up.

Here's a video of him playing The Clansman (with Blaze Bayley - ex vocalist for Iron Maiden):

Thursday 27 December 2012

Owen Campbell - Blues at its best

There is something about Australians and talent. Be it Tommy Emmanuel, John Butler or Chooka Parker, they are all loaded with talent. The newest talent I discovered a while ago was Owen Campbell. I came across his video when he had auditioned for Australia's Got Talent (as the "Angry Busker"). In his first audition he pretty much sidelined the judges and played for the audience (loved the guy's attitude). Even though his super talent got the crowds to groove, his attitude didn't really impress the judges. He was asked to go. He later came back for another audition and was apologetic for his behavior.
Owen Campbell's brand of honest blues music is a treat to listen to. He is possibly one of the best blues singer songwriter to have hit the planet. His incredible grooves and unique songwriting skills are a class apart.
The best part about his music is that it's honest. Give any of his songs one listen you will definitely want to agree with me. He has been playing the guitar since he was 9 and has pretty much mastered the art of lap/slide steel guitar. His music is raw and yet is well structured. Exquisite melodies, catchy phrasing and a unique set of songs will get your feet moving. Owen Campbell's sound is something that amalgamates the beauty of old steady and raw punch with some incredible energy. A talent such as this is very rare to find. His second album Sunshine Road is out and I would definitely advice you to go buy his album.
Here is a video of him playing the song Sunshine Road:

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Hang Massive - The Hang Drum specialists

Hang Massive is a duo that comprises Danny Cudd and Markus Johannason. Before we get into what they are all about we need to know what a Hang is.
Simply put, A hang (or Hang drums) is a musical instrument that has a single center tone with seven/eight tone fields hammered around it. Technically speaking, the Hang Drum uses the same principles as a steel pan.
Now about Hang Massive. Like I mentioned earlier Hang Massive is a Hang Drum playing duo that capitalizes on the beauty of the Hang Drum. The duo started back in 2010 and has been gaining worldwide recognition. Their compositions are beautiful and soothing. I stumbled upon them by accident on You Tube and have been a fan ever since I have heard them.
It is quite amazing what these guys can do. The kind of songs they play will literally soothe your savage beast. All you need to is close your eyes and give these guys a listen. Their songs have some really beautiful rhythmic melodies going on and it will grasp your attention from the start. The songs they compose are going to invade your head slowly and steadily causing a stir like never before.
The Hang drum is slowly becoming a worldwide phenomenon and these guys have done an exquisite job on the instrument. Picture yourself at a serene location, turn their music on and close your eyes. Their music will take you to a place of resounding calmness and peace. It is this kind of music that makes you feel at peace with yourself and if you're in one of those emotional moods it is sure to cause a few tears trickling down from your eyes.
Hang Massive released their first album back in 2011. The album is called Beats for your feet and you can listen to them on their website for free. 

Here's a video of Hang Massive to soothe you to glory:

Thursday 13 December 2012

Chooka Parker - Exquisite beyond imaginations.

I saw Chooka Parker first on Australia's Got Talent. This teenage piano playing sensation is one of the most brilliant and versatile artists I have come across. Chooka Parker is a self-taught pianist and hails from a small little community in Australia (a community that apparently doesn't have a pub). This kid is good. His variations of Amazing Grace and Fur Elise are supreme. The best part about Chooka Parker is that he pretty much improvises everything on the spot and that is something quite awesome for someone who is self-taught. Listening to Chooka Parker will give you some major goosebumps. Most of the videos you'll find on YouTube are recorded at his home or on live shows. His first album No Worries is up on his website. Whatever little I have heard of this young boy has pretty much blown me away.

Here's his video of his first AGT audition. Have fun:

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Sunday 9 December 2012

The one man band - THePETEBOX

What happens when you're blessed with some crazy talent? The answer seems to be THePETEBOX. This man seems to blessed with a nice set of vocal chords, an amazing way of beat-boxing and a really good sense of music. His album Future Loops is up for grabs on iTunes. His music is fresher than the early morning aroma of a beautiful garden. The first song of his I listened to was Where Is My Mind and frankly speaking I got so engrossed in the song that by the end of it I kept asking myself where is my mind? Unlike the EDM artists of the world today, THePETEBOX  takes optimum advantage of the technology that mankind has bestowed upon him. He literally has his little finger wrapped around the whole idea of creating music that is commercially viable and melodically profound. One of his songs Fugue in DnB minor is musically quite dark yet very very catchy. His songs have that ability to enter your head and play on loop. He is one of the reasons to why music is still alive! His cover of Nirvana's Lithium is quite graceful and refined.
No complicated chord patterns, high-pitched voices or face melting solos, yet his music can take you away from this world dipped in musical chaos. His song Wave will most definitely put your mind at ease. The song is beautiful beyond imagination. It's the kind of song that you would want to listen to when you want to ignore the world around you. A song that will take you to wonderland.

I definitely recommend that you buy his album (or at least listen to his songs on You Tube). Here's a video: 

Saturday 8 December 2012

2 Cellos - A must listen!

While randomly browsing on YouTube I came across a version of MJ's smash hit Smooth Criminal. Considering Smooth Criminal is my all time favorite MJ song I decided to give this rendition a look. The rendition I stumbled upon was by a duo called 2 Cellos (stylized as 2Cellos). Their version of Smooth Criminal blew me away.
2Cellos comprise Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser (both Croatian). They were first discovered post their cover of Smooth Criminal. They have covered other smash hits such as Welcome to the Jungle (Guns N' Roses), Californication (RHCP) and many more. Their version of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit will make you want to jizz in your pants.
Their brand of "Cello rock n roll" is brilliant. Very upbeat, aggressive and has the ability to come on to your ears very strongly. They are a supremely exciting duo that will leave you awestruck along with many jaw dropping moments. Their showmanship is equally brilliant and they are a delight to watch. The best part about 2Cellos is the fact that you can not get tired listening to them play. There is that unexplainable magic in the way they perform. Though their first album comprised only covers, the album is still a thrill a listen to. The duo still maintain that despite their love for rock n roll they will still play for orchestras and wont abandon classical music (which is a great thing in my opinion).

2Cellos is a must listen! Jizz in your pants guaranteed! Here's their version of AC/DC's highway to hell featuring the incredible Steve Vai:

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Artist of the week - Strunz & Farah

Strunz & Farah are an unusual acoustic guitar duo. One hails from Iran (Ardeshir Farah) while the other is from Costa Rica (Jorge Strunz). But when they combine their forces of music you will end up with one of the widest smiles ever.
I had the honor of watching the duo live last evening at NCPA (Tata theater), Mumbai. They started off quite slowly and didn't really grab a whole lot of attention. They sounded like just another acoustic duo. But 10 minutes into the show and DAMN they blew me away. Be it some brilliant counter-melodies, beautifully crafted harmonies or complex chord structures Strunz & Farah gave me a superb musical high. They played a 90 minute set that comprised songs such as Bola, Jamilah, Pasitos and many more. Their musical style had influences of Ethno jazz, Afro, Flamenco, Latin jazz and many others. The beauty of it all was the amalgamation of so many styles and influences. Their guitar shredding would probably leave the likes of John Petrucci and Paul Gilbert in tears. Unlike most other artists their complex structures of chord embellishments and voicings (and not to mention the solos) Strunz & Farah made their compositions look and sound simplistically serene.
They were accompanied by a Texan flautist, an Iranian percussionist and a Cuban bassist (I only happen to remember the flautist's name - Rob Hardt). All three of them were exceptionally brilliant. The bass solos and the percussion solos were a class apart. Rob Hardt, on the the hand, was supreme beyond imagination. His harmonies along with Strunz & Farah and his improvisations really took the the whole show into another parallel dimension.
All in all the show was wonderful. Strunz & Farah have definitely left me (and most probably even the rest) exotically intoxicated (and I mean that in a good way).
P.S: You can definitely belly dance to a lot of their songs. 

Here's a Youtube link of theirs:

Enjoy the music! And do leave your valuable comments.